Macerated Oils

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Calendula officinalis L.
Pot marigold, common marigold
South-West Turkey
Gökova, Turkey
July 2021
Cold pressed olive oil
2 years

Calendula is an herbaceous plant growing about 80 cm tall of which yellow/orange flowers last almost year-round. Although perennial, it is commonly treated as an annual. Particularly in colder regions where its winter survival is poor and in hot summer locations where it also does not survive. Calendula is native to Central and Southern Europe, Western Asia but it is widely cultivated all over the world and as it can be grown easily in sunny locations.
Various parts of calendula including leaves, flowers have been reported to possess therapeutic activity. The flowers are used as food dye, spice, tea, ointment and cream in cosmetics.
Goya Botanicals Calendula Oil, which is notably rich in antioxidants, is handmade by infusing calendula flowers into extra virgin olive oil.
Uses & Benefits
Calendula macerated oil is extensively used both clinically and in cosmetic applications throughout the world.
In traditional medicine calendula was used as anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic, analgesic, antiseptic and in jaundice treatment(1). It is listed for wound healing and anti-inflammatory actions by German Commission E, European Scientific Co-operative on Phytotherapy, British Herbal Pharmacopoeia, World Health Organization(2). It is also known to assist bed sores, cuts, and burns. Moreover studies show that calendula oil is significantly effective in relieving the symptoms of diaper rash(3).
In cosmetic applications it used for facial and body care products. Thanks to soothing and skin softening properties calendula macerated oil is effective for inflamed skin conditions, cracked skin.
Technical Data Sheet
References & Disclaimer
Chakraborthy GS. Phytochemical screening of Calendula officinalis Linn leaf extract by TLC. Int J Res Ayurveda Pharm. 2010;1(1):131–134.
Khare CP. Indian Medicinal Plants: An Illustrated Dictionary. New York, USA: Springer Science Business Media, LLC; 2007. pp. 111–2
Panahi Y, et al. A Randomized Comparative Trial on the Therapeutic Efficacy of Topical Aloe vera and Calendula officinalis on Diaper Dermatitis in Children. The Scientific World Journal, vol. 2012.
Macerated oils are herbal liquids that might have strong chemical and biological effects.The statement above is for information purposes only. It is not intended to offer professional medical advice or treatment for any condition. Goya Botanicals shall not be responsible for any harm resulting from the use of or reliance upon this information.